
Bankstown and the Warrior - Part 3

At thirty three degrees, today was another hot one for flying. Leaving the air conditioned club house was not easy when welcomed by the heat and humidity at the airfield. Nonetheless, after completing the pre-flight and being joined by Danial, the engine started and the breeze from the propellar finally clicked in.
Today's aircraft - FTU

This was the final part of my Bankstown and Warrior familiarisation training and what fun I had! In addition to practicing a engine failure on take off, an engine failure in the circuit requiring a glide approach a go around and a normal landing, I was signed off to go solo on the new aircraft type and the airfield.

Danial left the aircraft (whilst on the ground!) and off I went. First a standard circuit before departing into the local area and back to Prospect Reservoir before making my way back to the airfield. Most my training and flying to date have been in Cessna aircraft but I'm now pleased to add another type to my log book. In addition to making another aircraft type available, they are a nice aircraft to fly.

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